


About Us

The newly formed state of Uttarakhand already had two operational divisional offices of Town and Country Planning Department  viz: Garhwal Sambhagiya Niyojan Khand , Dehradun and Kumaon Sambhagiya Niyojan Khand, Haldwani.

For setting up of new headquarter of Town and Country Planning Department  At Dehradun , 30 posts were allocated vide uttar Pradesh Govt. Order No:-662/9-AA-3-2003-34N.N.-3  DATED 24th march2003. Apart from this 20 posts were allocated out of non-hill cadre posts.    Re-organisation of the department has not been done till date and presently there are two divisional offices under Headquarter and junior engineers in Regulated areas.

With limited staff and resources, department prepares Regional and  Master plans for  the balanced development of the towns and rural areas with constraints of unusual geographical conditions and environmental considerations.



1-Preparation of long term regional, urban and zonal plans for Development area / Regulated Area/ Special Area Development Authority (SADA).

2-To prepare Master Plan for Development area / Regulated Area/ Special Area Development Authority (SADA).

3-To assist the State Government in formulating policies for urban areas and to provide technical assistance to various implementing and controlling agencies.

4-Preparation of building byelaws for Development area / Regulated Area/ Special Area Development Authority (SADA).and other hill areas according to local geographical conditions.